
Chinese student learning english

less time on isolated word lists and more reading and language use-based strategies (策略)should be beneficial for both their vocabulary development and overal proficiency..

the real problem lies not in having an inadequate number of words (单词量不足)in stock, but in not being able to use the words they know both receptively and productively.

much more contextually and authentic recycling of words both intentionally and incidentally In other words, words r best learned when they occur repeatedly in contexts where the intention may or may not be the learning of vocabulary..

some methods...1> rote learning (死记硬背),especially oral repetition,is not necessarily useless.. 2> repetition does not have to b roted ;3> memorisation does not heve be divorced from meaning; 4> meaning-based strategies r not panacea..Depending on task, learner, and learning context, repetiton may well be one of the key ingredients(重要因素之一)for success.

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匿名 说...

en... nice pix ,nice passage n also nice blog^-^ do u know who am i?? am Jeffrey..