
O level results is released ha^-^

haha ~~ extremely nervous de these nearly 3 months..and the results finally is out liao~

dangdang dang dang ...now i wanna show u my disappointed results liao
---------------------English C6
E-math A1
A-math A2
Chinese A1 (definitely)
Science A1

Total numerical grade ----11!!!

haha not so gd as i thought lar,, but anyway ..not so bad and slao the best in my sch de... the only way tat i can do is console myself ....5555555555.....it is such a pity tat my bestr friend Frankie..he fails his english subject.. we r flabbergasted when we heard his results 14 ..really wish God also can bless my him to b accepted by Ngee Ann Poly . although he is not a christian,,


continue to revise my english

四大名著 你肯定知道..不过他们的英文名...-------heehee,你就不知道了吧?让我来告诉你吧..
1.The Three Kingdoms ----------三国演义
2.The Dream Of The Red Chambers --------红楼梦
3. The Water Margin ------------水浒传
4. The Journey To The West. ---------- 西游记

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 下面介绍一下Swiss 的特色...

1. Chocolate (Toblerone)
2. Watch (eg. Rolex . Swatch . ) high standard
3. Victorinox ( Swiss Army Knife) --(瑞士军刀)
4. Red Cross ( 红十字会)
5. Wine
6.Transport ---- efficient/ high standard quality
System ----- aeroplane ,bus, train.
7. Architecture
8. Alps (阿尔卑斯山)
snow -capped mountains



Cause of Karoshi( 过劳死)

Cause of Karoshi(过劳死)

1. Afraid to lose out ----kiasu ^-^ mentality competitive nature
2. Survival of the fittest
3.It is a 'Dog-eat-Dog' world---no choice
4. Globalisation( geographaical mobility of human resource capital,etc) influx/outflow
5.Career--oriented --career advancement (ambition)
6. Fear of unemployment retrenchment---performance appraisal
7. More materialistic
-----money- minded
-----more concerned abt material things
8. Higher expectations for a better standar of living.

some others
traditional ones
A life for a life(an eye for en eye) -------- murderer deserves the punishment he receives
fuction---- punishment is for revenge or retribution

the murderer has taken a life ( killed someone) away and therefore must repay with his life.

counter argument ( disagree)

liberal( open- minded) ones
life is sacred ( precious, god- given)
man has no right (only God has the right) to take away a life

--it is morally wrong
- the government does not have the moral right to kill murderers.